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- ********************KEYMATE (C)********************by Greg Jones*************
- Keymate is one of those little tools you can do without until you
- use it. Basically, it's a keystroke template. (Nothing new there)
- This version is for Flight Simulator (Iknow, Iknow...you were
- furnished one of those by SubLogic when you purchased the program)
- But this on fits on your keyboard and folds for convenient storage.
- (Do I detect a glimmer of interest?)
- Keymate arranges commands in functional, intuitive groups so that
- you find that keystroke in a fraction of the time it would normally take
- you to look it up even if you used a quick reference sheet. What's more,
- groups are shaded to differentiate instantly between them. If you have a
- color printer, better yet. Color really nails it down...BLUE for View mode,
- YELLOW for Flight Controls, GREEN for Start-up...Well, you get the picture.
- Any takers?...OK, This one is on the house...It's hereby declared
- Public Domain. The only qualification is that this read-me file be included
- when passing along the main file "Keymate".
- ****************** HOW TO PUT IT TOGETHER *********************************
- 1. Get out DPaint and load Keymate in HIRES. (If you don't have DPaint then
- use showilbm from the public domain).
- 2. Facing you are four horizontal strips filling the entire screen.
- 3. The upper two strips have been optimized for a color printout on the
- OKIMATE 20. The lower two strips are optimized for a grey-scale printout
- on any dot matrix B&W printer or a color printout on the JX-80 and a few
- other color printers.
- 4. Set your prefences settings so the aspect is at the default setting of
- Horizontal. Left margin set to 1 and Right margin set to 150.
- 5. Start printing...If you are printing in color on the Okimate 20, turn
- the printer off when you get the first two rows printed. This saves some
- precious ribbon and you don't need the bottom half. If you don't have
- DPaint any public domain screen dump program should do.
- 6. Get an exacto knife or a razor blade and a metal straight edge and trim
- off all the sides then carefully cut horizontally across the 2 sections.
- 7. The top section will be the left-hand side of the template while the
- bottom section will be the right side.
- 8. Tape the back of the two sections together to create a hinge and trim the
- excess tape.
- 9. Place your Keymate on the top section of your keyboard and enjoy!
- ******************************NOTES******************************************
- You can use your keymate as it is and store it in a business size
- envelope. If it falls apart, you can always print up another one.
- I mount mine with adhesive spray on acetate (even a cardboard backing
- will help)...then I spray the front with a plastic protective coating.
- ********************************** THE SALES PITCH **************************
- If you have Flight Simulator and have tried Keymate with it then I know I
- have a customer. After all, using a mouse instead of quick keyboard commands
- is frustratingly slow at best. This goes for many applications programs as
- well, and to this end I have put together a disk of Keymates for the
- following popular programs:
- 1. DPaint/DPaintII
- 2. Scribble
- 3. Microemacs
- 4. ON-LINE
- 5. Deluxe Music Construction Set
- 6. Lattice Unicalc
- 7. Superbase
- 8. Page Setter
- 9. Aegis Draw Plus
- If you want to order all of the above on disk, please send $ 20.00 to:
- W. Paterson, NJ 07424
- If you do not have a color printer, I am prepared to print the specific
- KeyMates you desire:
- Okimate 20 Printout (trimmed).....................$ 6.00
- Okimate 20 Printout (trimmed and mounted).........$10.00
- Please send a personal check or money order rather than cash!!!
- In order to alleviate the natural reluctance to send money to someone you
- don't know, let me relieve your skepticism somewhat. Although this user's
- group is not in any way connected with this KeyMates offer, I am the
- current Vice-President of ENJA...Enjoyers in North Jersey of Amigas....
- This fact may be checked out by contacting:
- PO BOX 43021
- Upper Montclair, NJ
- 07043
- You may also wish to contact me directly by phone at (201)256-4825